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Currency: CAD ($)   Each piece is created with love by Alasha Lantinga in her home studio in Calgary, AB Canada.

Zira - Amazonite Moon Necklace


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The Zira Necklace. Zira is the African name for Moonlight. This beautiful one-of-a-kind necklace features a golden bronze triangular piece with a beautiful soft seafoam ocean green-blue amazonite crescent moon with a beautiful clear quartz point on the bottom. The pendant hands from long 32 inch delicate antiqued brass chain.  So pretty!

Amazonite is known for it's balancing, calming and soothing energies for the wearer. Clear quartz is known as the master healer, amplifying energy, enhancing psychic abilities, mental clarity and emotional stability.

Each piece is handcrafted in my home studio and will ship within 7 to 14 days. Please send Alasha a message if you need your piece sooner.